Spark Studio
Our Spark Studio is for children in Grades K-1. The Spark Studio immerses learners in an enriching Montessori-inspired environment that introduces math, language, sensorial, and practical life hands-on learning materials. Ample outdoor play time, inspirational Morning Launches, character-building Life Tools discussions, and hands-on science and civilization projects are also incorporated into the school day. In preparation for their transition to the Explore Studio, our older learners begin setting academic goals, taking on leadership roles within their studio, and allocating time each day to begin working independently on online learning programs. Click below to learn more about elements of our Spark Studio!
Our Spark Studio spends approximately two hours per day outside (weather permitting). This allows learners to create organic friendships through imaginative play while reaping the numerous benefits of time outdoors.
Our Spark curriculum takes the best of Montessori and combines it with age-appropriate technology-based learning.
Our youngest learners incorporate collaboration into their day to learn the impact of working together. Sparks collaborate while working on science, civilization, Spanish, and more.